Saturday, December 02, 2006

This is the blog's 100th post and not to mention it has reached more than 2000 hits.

On a sad note, I'd like to dedicate this post to Leonardo Reantaso. He passed away the same week as Robert Altman and was just finally laid to rest. "Lolo Narding", as I fondly called him, was the closest thing I had to a grandfather. My paternal grandfather died after I was born (hence I was partly named in his honor) and I never knew of what became of my maternal grandfather. "Lolo Narding" was my mother's uncle, and he and his beloved wife "Lola Ida" were the closest thing she had to parental figures since her mother/my maternal grandmother had died early. He will deeply missed, but he will always remain in our hearts and minds. I believe that death is only the next level in life, and he remains mortal in another realm.

Another sad note, a supertyphoon just hit my home province of Albay in the Philippines. This trigerred a series of mudslides from the Mayon Volcano almost wiping out everything in its path. It is the biggest disaster to hit my province, and from what I've been hearing, the situation has gotten more worse among the people, similar to what happened in Hurricane Katrina.

Some images of the destruction:

For more info on how to support these victims, visit this website or go to to the Philippine National Red Cross' official website here.


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