Saturday, April 30, 2005

My blog is officially ONE YEAR OLD!


Now you can return to your regular Web activity.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

We have a new pope!

All hail Benedict XVI, the first German pope since 1523!

May he continue the legacy brought about by his predescessor Pope John Paul II.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Today is a special occasion for me, as it marks the first anniversary when I last set foot in the Philippines and arrived in the US where I have been staying somewhat permanently to this day. So, WOO-HOO for me and anybody else who cares! And I'm not being sarcastic.

My niece Camille was here for the weekend in our house and we watched The King & I onstage at the Pantages Theater and we helped her in adding songs in her new iPod Mini on the computer. She's currently with her dad touring San Francisco for almost the week (How I envy her since I've always wanted to go there!) and hopefully, we'll meet again next weekend before she leaves next Tuesday. If not, maybe next year if plans for me and my sister to go back to the Philippines push through, or maybe in the next 2 years (since I notice a trend wherein she would come to the US every 2 years).

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Karol Józef Wojtyła (you may know him in a more familiar name) just died after suffering a lot of lengthy health problems, he was 84. Let us pray that the angels successfully guide him in his journey towards Heaven and may they find a perfect successor to walk in the shoes of the fisherman. In his last message, to the youth of the world, he said: "I came for you, now it's you who have come to me. I thank you." May he rest in eternal peace.