This is the schedule of classes I'll be attending this fall at College of the Canyons. This might still be subject to last minute changes.
10:30-12:55 RTVF 118 (Intro. to Editing)/MENH-333
2:20-3:40 HLHSCI 100 (Health Education)/BONH-13
12:50-2:10 SOCI 101(Intro. to Sociology)/BONH-302
7:00-10:00 THEATR 127 (Improv. Performance)/STCN-130
(UPDATE: THEATR 127 has been cancelled)WEDNESDAY
10:30-12:55 RTVF 118
2:20-3:40 HLHSCI 100
12:50-2:10 SOCI 101
I was originally going to take RTVF 125 (Intro. to TV Production) and RTVF 255 (Adv. Screenwriting), but 255 got cancelled and I couldn't fit 125 in my schedule after a trip to the counselor regarding the classes I needed to take to finish my AA.
I'm still deciding whether to still take RTVF 082 (Intro. to Avid) later this semester, but considering the near-burnout and academic overload I had last spring, I might just wait till next spring. At least I now get a day off between school and work on Fridays.
Hopefully, I can at least muster a C grade for each of those classes and finish and graduate with an AA by next spring (whether I transfer to CalArts next or take other classes to transfer to other universities is another question).
Classes I plan to take next spring: RTVF 082, RTVF 218 (Adv. Editing), RTVF 255 or 195 (Intro. to Screenplay Writing), RTVF 290 (Portfolio), THEATR 110 (Understanding Theatre), and THEATR 127.